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Monday, January 13, 2014

Do You Have Candida Overgrowth? Eliminate it with Taheebo Tea

Do You Have Candida Overgrowth? Eliminate it with Taheebo Tea

By Clifford H Woods

Do You Have Candida Overgrowth? Eliminate it with Taheebo Tea
Taheebo tea is extracted from the bark of an evergreen tree which grows in the warmer regions of South America. This vast leaf evergreen can grow to an elevation of one hundred twenty-five feet and it has pink to violet shaded blossoms.

The tree's incredibly tough wood causes it to be resistance against illness and weathering. The interior bark of the tree is required for medical reasons. Lately, there has been an ever-increasing need for this tea, resulting in the trees to become decreasing in numbers.

The majority of the chemical investigation on taheebo tea has been performed on the wood rather than the inner bark. Taheebo tea consists of substances known as naphthoquinones, particularly lapachol as well as beta-lapachone. They appear to possess anti-viral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial attributes. Additionally, they consist of quite a lot of the antioxidant quercetin.

Taheebo tea continues to be recommended by many individuals as a beneficial therapy against what are generally referred to as yeast infections. Yeast infections typically involve abnormal quantities of fungi often known as candida. Below is a bit more information on candida and how it can help with the treatment of it.

What is Candida?
Candida is a form of fungus infection that is commonly found within the human body. Usually, it is not necessarily recognized to trigger issues, however when it develops past its normal quantities, it develops into a condition called candidiasis, which most individuals refer to as some sort of yeast infection. It may be witnessed both orally and vaginally.

In addition, it regularly results in bacterial infections on the pores and skin. Occasionally, a
Do You Have Candida Overgrowth? Eliminate it with Taheebo Tea
systemic contamination occurs, however that is commonly observed only in sufferers who have significantly jeopardized immune systems. One can find that there are several varieties of candida; however it is C. albicans which is most often regarded for triggering health-related problems in individuals.

When the problem occurs in the mouth, it is referred to as oral thrush. Within the female genital area, it is termed as vaginal thrush. An over-development of yeast infection may come about for a number of causes. Occasionally, it shows up as soon as the individual has gone through a round of antibiotics. Those with diabetes have an increased possibility for developing candida albicans as well.

There are numerous causes that could result in destabilized immunity processes. For example, having HIV, going through radiation treatment, and being in a state of anxiousness are all circumstances that might reduce an individual's defense. Mononucleosis is an additional problem which is associated with candida overgrowth. Yeast infections can vary in intensity from mild to life-threatening.

Do You Have Candida Overgrowth? Eliminate it with Taheebo Tea
Taheebo Tea Can Help 
People who find themselves looking into natural remedies rather than conventional may look into utilizing taheebo tea as a cure for a candida overgrowth. Among the attributes found in taheebo tea is that of an anti-fungal. Taheebo tea’s influences on the treatment of candida are significant, especially when used with other anti-fungal supplements. The reason this tea is so strong against candida is because its content includes many courses of substances, lapachol, xyloidone as well as numerous naphthoquinones.

The most crucial of all these is lapachol, which has been demonstrated to hinder the development of candida. In addition to making use of taheebo tea, make an attempt to research and experiment with a number of other antifungals along with eating a healthier diet. 

Just one anti-fungal supplement is generally insufficient, and with healthy lifestyle changes this combination will do considerably more for you overall than a typical over-the-counter medication ever could.

Always make sure to consult with your doctor before ingesting any form of supplement, especially when used in combination with others.
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Clifford H Woods
Author: Clifford H Woods is the Executive Director of Vibrant Life.
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