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By Clifford H Woods As your blood circulates through the body, it presses up against the walls of the arteries. This force of pressure is referred to as blood pressure. When the pressure against the arterial walls becomes too high, these walls often become narrow or thicken and this adds an extra burden of stress on the heart.
Blood pressure may in some cases temporarily rise from stress, exercise or other emotions from joy to anger. But the pressure quickly returns to normal once the stressor has passed. But in many individuals, the blood pressure is high all the time.
Approximately 50 million Americans have high blood pressure or hypertension, with almost half of those over the age of 65. This disorder can cause very other serious conditions, such as stroke, heart disease, eye damage, diabetes, and kidney problems; so hypertension is considered one of the nation’s leading health problems.
Causes: it is believed by most doctors that the root causes deride from one of these:
Diet high in sugar, fat and/or salt
Alcohol or caffeine and any other stimulates
Pregnancy or birth control pills
Underlying medical disorders
Poisoning with heavy metal
There are natural remedies that may help any high blood pressure. These include but not limited to:
Hawthorne (Crataegus oxycanthae): this is an herbal medicine that dilates the artery walls and will decrease blood pressure. The berry is the part of the plant that is used and can be taken as a tincture, capsule, or tea. It is considered an excellent tonic for the heart but should not be mixed with any heart medications prescribed by your physician.
Calcium and magnesium: these are minerals that have shown with studies to lower blood pressure. It is advised to take a combination of 500 mg of calcium and 250 mg of magnesium twice daily.
Coenzyme Q10: studies show that this nutrient also reduces blood pressure when one takes 100 mg 2 to 3 times daily.
Fish Oil: this is great for reducing blood pressure when taken on a long-term basis – this is usually 3000 mg 3 times each day.
Garlic: several studies confirm garlic’s ability to lower blood pressure on a 600 mg twice-daily regimen of an aged garlic extract.
Vitamin C: this has a mild effect with lowering of the blood pressure and also helps the body to detoxify any toxic metal, such as lead, which can contribute to high blood pressure. 1000 to 2000 mg or more daily is recommended – Vitamin C is water-soluble and the body does not store it.
Potassium: this is a mineral that has been shown in many studies and tests to lower blood pressure. Use as part of a product that is a salt-substitute. Or else, use up to 2000 mg only under the management of a physician. Do not use potassium if you are taking any diuretic that is potassium sparing or have heart disease or kidney problems that are serious.
Other natural remedies include:
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnate) this relaxes the nerves and is helpful for blood pressure that increases due to stress. Take 0.5 ml or 250 mg no more than 3 times daily.
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) very strong nerve relaxer nerve much like Valium and can lower blood pressure indirectly. Take 0.5 to 1.0 ml or 300 mg up to 3 times each day.
Oatstraw (Avena sativa) and Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)are herbs for relaxing the nerves. They can be used as a tea throughout the day.
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) is extract and should be taken in 500 mg doses three times each day for a blood pressure-lowering effect.
Dandelion leaf (Taraxacium officinale) works like a very gentle, natural diuretic that lowers blood pressure. Take 300 mg of capsule form or 2 ml up to three times daily.
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Clifford H Woods is the Executive Director of Vibrant Life.
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Effects of Heavy Metals and How Oral Chelation Can Help
Clifford H Woods Heavy Metals: Free radicals (tissue damaging molecules that cause aging and bodily deterioration) are the result of the ever-present toxins within our environment. Heavy metals are contained in these toxins and produce free radicals. They contribute to many health issues. From the moment, a person comes into the world he/she is exposed to said toxins, increasingly with the invention of new products using these threatening metals.
From the air to the materials we touch, there are harmful molecules everywhere. With age comes prolonged exposure to numerous, dangerous heavy metals, due to the natural environment or self-induced exposure (e.g., consumables or inhalants). Bone mass and muscle tissue can be extremely affected.
Adverse Effects of Heavy Metals:Effects of heavy metal toxicity range from the mildest of ailments to the most severe symptoms, even the onset of a complete neurological breakdown. We are exposed to heavy metals when we drink tap water or from the paint on our walls and fillings in our teeth. Although these may produce only low levels of exposure, small amounts accumulate within the entire body until it reaches dangerous levels, resulting in illnesses.
High levels of heavy metals, five or more times denser than water, such as lead, arsenic, mercury and aluminium can be extremely toxic. This, in turn, affects the peripheral and central nervous system, the colon, kidneys and liver, hormonal system, urinary system, cardiovascular health and even the skin. Heart conditions and extreme stress due to heavy metals can be critical and are somewhat unpreventable with the daily exposures present. The impact of dangerous toxin levels on mental health can be detrimental, bringing on a loss of brain function or ‘craziness’. Circulation complications can surface and bring a vast array of health concerns. Heavy metals can be a highly threatening force within our body. There is something that can reduce symptoms and detoxify the body, ridding the body tissue and organs of harmful and even deadly toxins… Oral Chelation!
Oral Chelation Can Help: As a revolutionary treatment; Oral Chelation offers an answer to adverse effects of heavy metals and, importantly, a prevention measure against the body’s toxic accumulation.
Oral Chelation is, in basic terms, a product that filters the body of harmful heavy metals, which is taken orally. Scientifically speaking, Oral Chelation removes toxic heavy metals.
Benefits: A flexible, administer anywhere therapy, Oral Chelation simultaneously replaces lost, necessary antioxidants and minerals whilst cleansing the body. This is an alternative to medical or surgical treatment, which offers ease of use.
Oral Chelation can help to stop and potentially reverse adverse effects of heavy metals. This method of cleansing is an inexpensive and non-intrusive, effective form of treatment which can provide people with a healthy body, regardless of surrounding potential health hazards and heavy metals. There are also the potential additional benefits of improved circulation; something people with cold feet will love!
Clifford H Woods is the Executive Director of Vibrant Life You can find out more Here We Provide Great Products, Excellent and Useful Information with Exceptional Customer Care Service.
Imagine starting your day early in the morning with some serious lack of sleep, your kids are screaming at the top of their lungs, you are navigating tumultuous traffic on every turn and corner and when you finally reach your office, you receive a sour note from your manager.
By this time, you feel like your head is about to fall off from the mind numbing and throbbing pain. These would be the typical reasons why most people experience headaches and migraines. Although it may sound common and simple that you can just take a couple of aspirin and a few hours of rest, there are different causes of headaches that you should know about. One type of headache is called the tension headache. This is the one chronic type that most people experience. It has a nature of inducing dull pain while the site of the pain changes to different areas of the head. The head may feel as if it has a tightening sensation with a sense of tension, like wearing something heavy on top of the head. The person may experience nausea and vomiting. There are also tensions in the forehead and neck muscles.
To relieve this sort of pain, a massage would be a good idea, especially around the head and the neck area. Specifically, this kind of headache may either be caused by improper posture or positioning of the head, shoulder, neck, and ischemia which would result in somewhat continuous muscle contraction; may also be caused by excessive melancholy or anxiety with mental tension; or it can also possibly be a secondary symptom due to other pain within the body.
When it comes to migraines, it is a type of a throbbing headache that attacks recurrently. It is usually due to vasomotor dysfunction of extra-cranial and intra-cranial vessels. This condition may even be traced ahead of time by the family history of the patient. Most of the time, this is caused by women’s menstrual cycle, the intake of vasodilatation, hormonal or contraceptive drugs.
Environment-climate factors like drastic change of weather and sudden change of altitude; dietary habits and lifestyle like sleeping in late or intake of improper food selection.
Other factors such as work strain and anxiety; and physical stimulus of the outside world such air pollution or radiation exposure. As you can see, migraines can have many different causes.
Everyone knows that it only takes a phone call to a family physician or a visit to the emergency room to ask for a prescribed medication to cure the throbbing and pounding pain. It may be the easiest way that most people know but you might end up waiting to be served by the emergency room since there are more urgent cases that need to be attended to.
The medications may also be quite costly and the side effects of some drugs can be gruesome! To save money and to avoid hospital crowds and the possible side effects of drugs, you may want to learn about the natural remedies that can soothe your headaches.
If you are experiencing headaches because of excessive tension, worries, food allergy or stress, you should apply an ice pack to your head, shoulders and neck. It would also help to drink water slowly since dehydration and heat may cause pain in the head. You can also soak or dampen a towel with ice-cold water and place them on your eyes for 10 minutes. If you want a massage, you can use peppermint oil for 15 minutes since it can soothe the nerves and revitalize ones energy levels.
For an ancient effective remedy, you can try acupressure or acupuncture; just make sure they use sterile techniques. A decrease flow of blood in the brain may cause pain, so apply a heating pad on your neck muscles.
As much as possible, take a break from work or studying and stay away from the computer or use anti-glare glasses. Relax, drink some tea, watch a short comedy film, and set up a lavender aromatherapy and get a sufficient amount of sleep so you can wake up feeling all rejuvenated. ***
Clifford H Woods is the Executive Director of Vibrant Life. We Provide Great Products, Excellent and Useful Information with Exceptional Customer Care Service.